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New Baby!!

Hello everyone,

I recently had a birthday (May 12th) and as usual, I spent it with my long term bf Oliver.
Oliver isn’t really all that big on buying me girly stuff (makeup, bags, shoes, clothes… ) unless I ask him to buy something specific (like when he went to London and I wanted some makeup products from super drug). 
ANYWAY – what we both like is photography, and if it wasn’t him, I wouldn’t have advanced this much in filming and blogging.  Oliver has kept my equipments up-to-date and replenished my gear with new/better ones for over 3 years.  For this year’s birthday present, I was given a Panasonic GX1 – which I have been drooling over even before it was released in the states.  I have a soft spot for Panny in my heart, and I was so happy when I got the camera for a present.

So, here’s my new baby!!
Oliver decided to get me a GX1 body and the legendary Lumix G 20mm pancake lens.
The 20mm lens is raved about, and one of the rare items on Amazon that has 140+ reviews with 5 solid stars (now that’s impressive, considering how even a 4 star is deemed as great).

I’ve been waiting for it for such a long time, and I find this a perfect camera for my everyday use.  I hated the fact that professional review sites HAD to pick on something (or else they would get some sort of backlash for giving out all-good reviews), and it had to be the “supposedly” flimsy flash.  I mean, that’s just nit-picking on something for the hell of listing cons. 

Flash is okay in my opinion.  If you are at a level to use micro 4/3, I don’t think you are going to have a lot of moments where you have to pop out your flash.

The best thing about this camera is the accuracy it delivers.  You get to capture EXACTLY what you see with your eyes into a still photo.  Usually a lot (almost every camera I’ve tried) of cameras tend to over-expose or underexpose, but this camera’s biggest strength is color accuracy.

The con about GX1 + 20mm combo is the slow focusing and limited focal length.  Since the lens is fixed, I have to manually move my body closer/further from the object I want to take a picture of.  Also, it is nice that the focus is spot on, but the rest of the background getting blurred out could be annoying to some people.  I think the slow focusing is most likely due to the 20mm lens – I will have to see how the camera pro forms with the PZ 14-42mm lens or Olympus M.Zuiko ED 45mm lens.

Here are some sample pictures.

– click to enlarge (this is an original picture, but I’m sure blogger degraded it while uploading) and see the magnificent details this camera captures. 😀

I know I already have more than enough cameras, but I am so happy I got this camera! For those that are camera hoarders like me, I’m sure you will understand how you HAVE TO have every single type of camera of various occasions!

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding performance or handling.  I am still playing around with and I don’t feel like I ‘own’ this camera yet, but I am getting a good understanding of how this camera is supposed to be handled.

10 thoughts on “New Baby!!

  1. Jing-Jing

    Happy belated birthday Catalina~!
    Your boyfriend is so kind to you! I'm so jealous you have the Lumix 20mm F/1.7, I've been wanting that lens for a while but it's out of my budget atm lol :'D

  2. Lily

    Happy birthday!
    omg the title was deceiving. I thought you were announcing you were pregnant! 😮 LOL

  3. Steph

    This camera sounds really good. I don't know much about photogaphy but I do want a new camera. I have the canon sx210 but colour accuracy isnt all that, it's great for zooming in video and the soom 14x is brilliant too but I need something a little better for blog photography, and I would stil like to keep the zoom whilst filming too because it comes in handy when Im on holiday. What cameras would you recommend and what pros & cons? It would really help from you because some retailers dont have a clue wtf theyre talking about lol. pls email me at styt[at]hotmail.co.uk xxx

  4. Catalina

    Thank you! 😀

    Oye.. I know that feeling! Lenses are expensive, and you'll never feel satisfied about it! :'(
    I have a huge list of lenses I want, and nothing seems to be 'easily affordable' T__T

  5. Catalina

    Thank you 😀

    Oh, haha… welllll… I'm not really planning to have babies even if I were married. :p

  6. Mrs. P

    Why the Panasonic and not Nikon ? (which, as I understand, is the gold standard in cameras) Also, since you are into cameras, would you by any chance, know anything the Rolleiflex? (where would I be able to purchase one?) Thanks!

  7. Ari

    Wow, I wanted to buy a better camera for taking pictures and this just made the top of my list ^^

  8. Catalina

    Nikon as golden standard? I beg to disagree. The camera world is split in the middle with canon and nikon on each end and others fighting to get a piece of the pie too. I wouldn't even consider nikon or canon as the 'best' cameras, they are only one of the most popular.
    But aside of placing opinions on the table, why Panasonic is strictly based on my personal preference. I've said it many times, but I feel like Panasonic is one of the most underrated camera brands in the market. Why not Nikon is because it doesn't fit my taste. As for Rolleiflexes, there are a ton of people on ebay that sell them. Or you can try Rakuten, which is a Japanese auction/selling site – and it is very reliable. 🙂

  9. Yuna Soon (YunaPicsDelight)

    Happy birthday my dear!!!
    Congrads for your new camera!
    You`ve done nice pics, and I hope to see more lovely pics with that ^_^

  10. Daniella Nicole

    Woahh, you have the same birthday as me. Happy belated birthday! <3

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