Beauty Skin Vlog Catalina  

Small Giveaway for you guys :)

Oh, hello!
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it enough, but I am moving this Saturday! yay!I am finally going to go to LA, and I am panicking a bit because my boxes didn’t come today. 

BUT, aside from that, I wanted to do a small giveaway. 

It’s a sulfur acne mask that’s really effective. It’s from a med spa called Hanna Isul (those of you that follow my videos will probably know this name since I semi-raved about it). Hanna Isul has a mania following, especially in Texas, Japan and some SE Asian countries. I like their products so much I asked them to help me out with the promotion when my online store first opened. 

Anyway, I have a couple of products I like from them (like the recovery ointment and ph balance spray) but it’s difficult to recommend their products because it’s so expensive. I have a couple of stuff from them (mostly in travel sizes since they are so expensive!), but one thing I couldn’t pass on was the acne mask. I originally got two (one as a back up as I thought I was going to be really great with keeping up with the mask schedule… but failed, as usual, :p) and since I’m sorting things out, I thought it would be great to let one of you guys try it out.

It’s 75 dollars when you buy it at the spa. I am giving away a new, unused full-sized mask bottle. 

I am really sorry to international people, but I’m only going to send the mask out to someone who has a domestic (US) address. I’m running out of time to pack and I don’t want things hanging and getting messy when I’m not here to sort things out. 

Here are the rules.

1. you have to be a follower of this blog.
2. enter once. I read through comments so no need to spam the comment box. Please comment on this post. you can say anything you want, JUST ADD A SMALL *** AT THE END OF YOUR COMMENT SO I WILL KNOW YOUR COMMENT IS FOR THE GIVEAWAY >.< first three people, I’ve got you girls so no need to worry!
3. I am going to end this contest on this Wednesday (January 11, 2012 – hey, that’s my mom’s b-day :p) 11:59PM central time. I will post a —-((end of giveaway))—- ish comment in the comment box, and any other comment that is entered AFTER my ending comment will not be considered.

Basic rules will not change, but anything that needs to be added will be added if necessary. 

You can read more about sulfur and its effects on acne here
And you can watch how I apply the mask here.

(Please start at around 1:30)


30 thoughts on “Small Giveaway for you guys :)

  1. Julie P.

    Omg you're moving already! Geez time flies… I've always heard of Hanna Isul but never got a chance to try it. That mask looks amazing. We never got to eat our Texas sized meal 🙁 boo. Next time! Good luck w/ your move to Cali babe. =)

  2. Olivia

    It sounds really good, although I must say I haven't tried anything like that ^o^ Something to definitely look into!

  3. Jessica

    I've tried a sulfur mask before to treat my acne in the past and it worked wonders on my skin!

  4. Rachelle

    Ooh I'm a big fan of facial masks! 😀 Sign me up! ^__^

    Thanks for these giveaways, Catalina! Good luck with the moving process! 🙂

  5. Jennifer

    good luck moving!

  6. awesomethuy

    yay you get to finally come to LA! hope the move wont be bad 🙂 thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  7. Bai Yang

    From the times that you've used it, do you think it has worked?

  8. Catalina

    hey guys! I've got the five of you, so please don't worry about having to repost.
    Everyone – please leave a *** after your comment if you are entering for the giveaway. It could get confusing when people are just leaving comments without the intention of entering >_<)

    something like this, hehe***

  9. jennysun91

    I've always wanted to try a sulfur mask but I never had the chance to 🙁 Good luck with the move! 🙂 ***

  10. Bo Y

    Good luck with moving!
    Love any of the sulfur masks!!!***

  11. Anonymous

    Finally! I hope you post more tutorials in LA 🙂 언니 너무 예뻐요 ~ I live in America, dont worry 🙂 Giveaway comment! ***

  12. sarahseo0215

    wow:)you seem to be always moving to such new exciting places! Ive never tried a sulfur treatment before but it seems really interesting:)

  13. sarahseo0215

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  14. XinChaoJenny

    Yes I really need this! ***

  15. Michelle

    ooooh! I'd love to try a sulfur mask. ***

  16. EpicSHINeeNinja

    Woah.. That's expensive , although I have heard many good reviews about it ^^ ***

  17. Hilda

    WOOHOO!! I've been dying for an acne mask! My skin is getting drier and im getting more acne during winter time T_T ahhh WHY MEE lol*****

    Can I make a request? Can you please do an updated skin routine video?? That would be awesome! Your first skin routine is over 2 years old 😛


  18. tevainjapan

    Love your daily posts! Glad you'll be over on the west coast side. We welcome you!***

  19. thaopn

    Hi Catalina, good luck with your moving! I'm living in LA also, so welcome! 🙂
    Oh and please keep up with the vlog channel! I watch it everyday! 🙂

  20. Young Mi

    Always looking for new products, Thanks Catalina!!***

  21. Jennifer. G

    This mask sounds really interesting. I would love to use it. Good luck moving over here to the cali side. (: you're gonna be one of us now. lol. 😀 ***

  22. bee.

    Hi Catalina! Cool giveaway! ***

  23. Judy

    I didn't know sulfur and acne belonged in the same sentence haha. Thanks for this giveaway! I've never tried any Korean products before. I'm going to have to pay more attention to the brands you mention!! ***

  24. Stephanie

    sounds good! Nothing ever works for my acne so i'd really like the try this brand. Good luck moving as well~ ***

  25. GeishaGirl55

    I cant believe you are moving already. So Fast!
    You will have to tell us all about it. 😀
    Also I have heard of this product, and how it works wonderfully!***

  26. Anonymous

    Sure why not. I don't think I've had any 25 bucks of something on my face before. Haha 75 seems snaaaazy. ***

  27. Fatima ♬

    Good luck on your move! 🙂


  28. Pamlati

    omgh! Your so nice!! to do a give away Have fun Moving to LA! 🙂 Texas will miss you!! Enter me,please! *** Thank you!

  29. Unknown

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Unknown

    Hi Catalina! Please enter me in this giveaway!I've been fighting with acne for far too long, and it just makes me so sad when i see my friends and their perfect skin. I love trying new products and hope that this will help me. Thank you~ <3 ***

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