I want to go to her estate sale!!!!!!
Despite the whole world being shocked by North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il’s sudden death, there’s still some awesome estate sales going around in town!
I’ve been interested in estate sales ever since I saw a program on HGTV where a designer was introducing how you can get great furniture pieces at a fraction of a price at estate sales. It’s like basically thrifting and rummaging through other people’s personal stuff. Bluntly said, a glorified yard sale inside the house.
There could be sales where the price tag is already attached and you snag what you want at the price the owner has determined, or there’s an auction type (which usually goes for more expensive and exotic stuff).
I was looking through on-going estate sales and stumbled upon Paula Abdul’s estate sale that is going on RIGHT NOW.
If only I were in LA!!!! I would have gone to ooohhh and ahhh over her massive collection of goodies.
I looked up her twitter and it turns out that she’s doing this estate sale so she can help charities she personally supports.
Here’s some info for those that are willing to venture to her sale.
Address of Sale:
3854 Beverly Ridge Drive
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Sale Dates and Times:Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
12/17/2011 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Saturday)
12/18/2011 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Sunday)
12/19/2011 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Monday)
12/20/2011 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Tuesday)
Terms and Conditions:
We are not responsible for accidents. We are mandated to collect 8.75% sales tax on all sales unless you have a valid sellers permit on hand.
Judging by her tweets, it seems that A) you can take a peek at her house and B) she seems to be onsite? (this is totally a guess). I would have gone just to see what her house is like inside.
But aside from that, I think the stuff she put out for sale is worth looking at.
For those that don’t live in the area (like me atm) or are just too lazy to check the stuff out, here are some photos I brought from various websites.
Anything that catches your eye? I know I would be grabbing stuff like left and right. haha
OMG!!! I want!!!
ZOMG… love!!!!
This is nearly a store!
It must be nice to be a celebrity! I really want to go and check this estate out ‘_’)
Judging by some price tags that are readable, accessories are at a reasonable price (5~38 dollars is what I can see). I’m not really interested in her shoes since they seem waaaayyy too small for me (and I’m not really keen on buying used shoes :p), but I really like her house deco items and furniture.
Here‘s the link to more pics and info.
If any of you go, please let me know how it was!! I’m so curious >.<
Jamilla Camel
AMAZING! I hope I never have that much junk!
Omg. That would be like heaven to have all those those shoes!!!!!!! (;
I went 3 times and got A BUNCH of great stuff. The amount of clothing and accessories was mind-boggling! Mostly reasonably priced, but the clothes were size 0-4. Shoes were 7.5. I bought 2 dresses that were a size 6 and still had tags, so I imagine they were too big for her. Actually, a lot of the stuff still had tags. The house is for sale so it didn't seem very "lived in" at this point. The company that put on the sale was just great. It was hard to imagine, though, that these thousands of items were just her "extra" stuff!
@Joselle: OMG!! It's one of those rare times when I'm sitting here crying over not being in LA, haha. That sounds amazing! at least she's not throwing things away and having a sale 🙂 by your description is sounds like it was fun! Man.. I wish I were in LA to snag the tea cups :'(
OMG! I love the set of cups!!!