FOTD Living Catalina  


Just for the sake of it.
I might start using Castor Oil to make my bangs grow out faster :p

It’s late at night so my hair oil weighs the bangs down, but when I wash and dry them – they curl inwards and are really short :p haha
Anyway, have a good night ladies~~ 🙂


Me and Beth 🙂

13 thoughts on “FOTD

  1. Anonymous

    the bangs look good on you. you're so lucky your hair curls inwards! mine curls outwards unless i blow dry em in and it drives me crazyyy

  2. Catalina

    haha, well the grass always looks greener on the other side >.< I like my hair being a bit flippy :p

  3. novia

    i like your hair this way better looks really cute xD

  4. Evee

    loving the new hairstyle!

  5. Jamilla Camel

    You and the penguin are both adorable!

  6. xxTemptingQueen

    the bangs look so good on you. much better than before!! xoxo

  7. Gastro888

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ana Kessel

    you want them to grow out? so you dont like how they came out? 🙁 i think they look pretty good, despite the castor oil haha

  9. Unknown

    what's castor oil? does it make your hair grow longer?

  10. pandablush

    this hair looks really cute on you catalina <3

  11. Catalina

    @Jamilla : haha >.<) I love it when people mention my penguins. :p I feel like a proud mommy

    Oh and @Miri: Castor Oil is an oil and it helps stimulate your hair growth 🙂 All you have to do is dab the oil on a cotton ball and dab it near the roots of your hair and leave it in

  12. Unknown

    i love your bangs! i just cut mine too, and they never curl inwards… youre lucky girl!

    My Makeup

  13. K

    aw i love your new hair~ i really wish i could suit that hair style.. i would love full bangs~ xx

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