Beauty Skin Care Catalina  

Review: TheFaceShop Black Head EX Nose Clay Mask

Sorry, I’m not in my right state :p blog sale is still going on

I also wanted to do a short review? or so about thefaceshop’s Black Head Nose Clay Mask.
It’s a clay mask you put on your nose and around that area to pluck out blackheads.

here’s what I learned from applying it

1. Don’t spread it thin – spread it thickly!! * very important *
– if you spread it too thin, it doesn’t even peal off. It’s like glue that you can’t even rub off
2. let it dry completely
– you have to feel that tight feeling around your pores. and the surface has to be bumpy too
3. Peel it off bottom-up
– don’t peel it the other way around. You have to peel it so it goes against your skin texture so you can really pull out the blackheads.

So here are the results! It really really hurt when I peeled it off…. 

* Warning * this can be a bit gross :p

I felt this thrill after ripping this off of my nose. I am going to do this once or twice a month >.<)

For those that are looking for this product, here it is on Amazon.
2pcs the Face Shop Blackhead Ex Nose Clay Mask 50g (2*50g)

30 thoughts on “Review: TheFaceShop Black Head EX Nose Clay Mask

  1. Laura L

    wow.. it works so well, but i'm sure peel-off mask is hurt!
    do u recommend to use it every week?

  2. Catalina

    @ning*star: no! haha, I don't think that'll be good for your skin and if you do it too often it will make your pores bigger since they kind of stay empty for a bit. I think minimum will be once every two weeks >.<

  3. Christina

    Thanks so much for this review…No more Biore strips for me (I could never keep them properly staying on my nose)! I've tried so many "peel-off" masks in hopes of them doing what TheFaceShop one does…but they just rip off the hair on my face. Cheers!

  4. hanidee

    that's looks awesome! my skinfood black bean pore strip doesn't even remove that much. i'm going to try this. thanks for your review Catalina. (:

  5. Mei

    This is so cool! I want to try it to now! you have the best reviews and updates of your products! Good job!!

  6. Ms Annster

    I totally wanna try that mask now! Going to see if I can order it from their American site here!

  7. Catalina

    @Christina: haha cheers! remember to peel it off upwards~~

    @Dee: Aww, you can try applying several layers of egg-white and let it completely dry and then apply the peel off mask – that really helps pluck things out 🙂

    @Mei: Aww 🙂 you're so sweet! thank you >.<)

    @Annie: I was always curious – do they have a shopping function? I never was able to figure that out @_@

  8. novia

    this is so cool! you should do more face mask review!

  9. mandy

    It looks really effective! But after trying other peel off masks that do the also pull out blackheads, I'm afraid to try any more. My pain tolerance is very low :X Maybe I should try to overcome it and try this anyways :] Thanks for the review!

  10. Yue

    Somehow I can't find this mask in any online-shop. Is there any online-shop that sell this and provides worldwide shipping?

  11. Catalina

    @rock_chick: haha, I'll try

    @mandy: I'm like a dude when it come to pain, I can tolerate almost any kind of pain, but I have to tell you this mask really hurt me LOL But never push yourself to do something you don't feel comfortable about 🙁 ~~

    @Yue: I think similar products will give you similar results like the white clay nose peel off mask thingy
    I can't really say where they sell these since this was an in-store purchase from Korea -_+)

  12. Maria Cristina G.

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Elizabeth Chang (Skyla Arts)

    omg that looks amazing! i wanna try it!

  14. Babybubblz

    ooh definitely does the job! i find getting black heads out very satisfying too hehe.

  15. Mei

    That looks amazing! I'm going to look for a similar product now since I can't find it anywhere in the states 🙁

  16. Anonymous

    wow!! amazing! ^^
    do you know if it is good for your skin to remove all your blackheads like that?
    and also, what do you use for your pores after you use this? because i'm pretty sure the pores are going to be huge after taking out all the blackheads.

  17. Tina

    Holy grossoamoly! I love getting gross stuff off my face. I've been looking for something that does exactly that. I've tried everything possible to get those stubborn nose pores clean. Thanks, Catalina! I gotta get this!

  18. Irene

    I like these kind of products ^^ I have the Seikisho Whitening Mask, it's also a peel-off mask but for the whole face. It hurts a little but peeling the mask off feels so good 😛

    btw, have you tried Dior's Diorskin nude foundation? Any thoughts on it? 🙂

  19. Jailee's Baileys

    i bought the Black Head Ex Black Peeling Gommage…it has the same picture so i thought it was the one i saw on your blog!!! but i guess its different?? Did you get your product at the store in K-town??

  20. Anonymous

    i went to their website and found two store in NYC maybe they have it there?

  21. 大头

    I searched on their official website, but didn't find this product there. so I doubt they carry this in the local store in the States. Try ebay, i found there. I'm going to bid one from there, and I think the seller ships the product from Korea…YAY!~super excited…

  22. yiru

    Hi Catalina! Great review here! I'd like to ask if you know about a recipe for a DIY lemon soju toner from Korea. It's said to be good for acne and blackheads and since you have lived there for awhile, maybe you might have heard of it? Thanks by the way!

  23. janiceplay

    wow!unbelieveable result!see all those black heads…lolz. but how did you get faceshop product? did you go to korean makeup shop?

  24. Unknown

    hey catalina!

    i bought one and tried using it, but it's not working): i tried spreading it VERY thickly like you said, but it only ended up cracking. what should i do?

  25. sherlyyxb

    Hi Catalina! I decided to spend a day reading your blog…yeah..uhh.. summer boredom… but yeah! I found this review & for some reason, I have A LOT of blackheads. I mean like MUCHO MUCHO blackheads! but I don't trust nose strips & stuff like that cause I heard they leave your pores open & make them bigger…does this do that to your pores?

  26. IchigoBunnie

    hey there!

    i was wondering if there's an ingredients list for this product? im planning on buying it but im allergic to sulfates and wanted to make sure it doesn't have it.

    if u could comment back on my blog on this that'd be wonderful! thank you!

  27. Unknown

    Thank you for good information , haha
    i should definitely try to use that.
    the blackhead mask pack currently i am using is quite good i think. but this is sometimes too strong that it sometimes even hurts… it's this. Konad

  28. Anonymous

    are you supposed to put that one AFTER washing your face or BEFORE washing your face..?

  29. Anonymous

    Hi! This is very helpful! I've been looking around for a good peel-off mask and have had my eyes set on Daiso's charcoal mask. I'm wondering–if you have used Daiso…how does this compare with this one? Does Daiso yield similar results? >,< Ty!

  30. Anonymous

    Hi, I just got my face shop blackhead ex nose clay mask in the mail today and when i opened it, the content wasn't green like the pictures you showed. I am worried if mine is different although the packaging is exactly the same. Mine is white inside. Can you tell me why?

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