Beauty Hair Catalina  

My indecisiveness on Hair

I know I’ve asked you guys what hairstyle I should get and never went through the process. Well, I’m still indecisive about what I should do about my hair. I know I should chop off the damaged parts, but.. what else?

I’m thinking of a long bob, which seems to be in for 2009-10!!

Kristen Dunst did it..
Paris did it..
nonono.. not amber, sorry – she’s from afterschool!
Jessica * Yoonah (SNSD) did it..
Jessica Alba did it
Amuro did it
Gwyneth Paltrow did it..

But I wasn’t swayed by these celebrities, since it all seems like a short-term trend and it’s a must to brighten your hair and have it touched every now and then. I wouldn’t want to chop off more than half of my hair and then make it go through another harsh coloring session 🙁

but, argh…I was flipping through seventeen magazine today and I found this!!

I don’t know who Nozomi and Yukina are, but both of their hair looked so so cute it actually made me want to go short. I think the girl on the left (assuming that she’s Nozomi?) looks so fresh and cute in this hair style. But yet again, you always have to factor in the cruel reality – that it only looks good on her because she has a cute face to start with! 🙁
Anyway, I just wanted to share some pictures with you guys what do you guys think of such short hair??? 🙂

25 thoughts on “My indecisiveness on Hair

  1. anna.

    Woah woah woah, that's Amber?! It's the first time I've seen her so girly!

  2. Zoe

    That hair style looks so pretty, is that really Amber?doesn't look like her at all..ha ha ha..she looks so different , I think Nozomi and Yukina looks sooooo cute with that hair style^^

  3. Anonymous

    I am having middle length right now, since I'm trying to grow out my hair. What I can tell you, to me, either short or long is dope, because even if the middle length looks really really cute styled, that takes effort and my hair should have a cut that works for itself. So personally, I'd not recommend it… It will just look bland and unexciting.

  4. Citrine

    I like this kind of hair but the exact type I like is styled a bit differently. It's a medium length hair that curls inward. People in Chinese forum call that Rinka head since Rinka made it popular and it's also shaped like a pear.I have seen it on a magazine model and it does make her look a lot younger (She also dyed it ginger)…What I wrote probably doesn't make any sense without any pictures…

    Sasaki Nozomi actually has the standard "pear shaped" head I am talking about if you look her up in other magazine (beas up and non-no) this might be a fake bob or a wig.

  5. Unknown

    you're so pretty, i think this or any style would work for you!!! but with a bob like this you're probably gonna have to style it everyday! try photoshopping your face in a similar style && see how you like it!!!

  6. Ashley

    Yes I think you should try. A short bob with fringe and slightly permed/wavy hair. My friend did it and she looks amazing. She has the same kind of sweet beautiful face as you. Go for it!

  7. ♥camillaの✿

    i think that's Jooyeon from After School. yeah, nozomi has a really cute roundish face. she's everywhere these days.

  8. misun ♥

    I've silently read your blog, but I need to comment on this one! I think you're just as cute and you SHOULD try!! I think you'll look awesome with that hair style! (last pics) Love the color too!!

  9. huimeij

    I live in Japan and I actually chopped off my hair a month ago.
    yeah, bob hair is really popuar here too. I actually decided to cut my hair after I saw Song Hyegyo in short hair in her drama called World Within. an I love it!
    it took me a while to get used to my short hair but it's really easy to manage.Try!

  10. Uinisan

    In all honesty I'm a huge fan of short length hair, not only is it more manageable but from what I see from the pics u have up… they seem more medium length to me. I reckon medium-ish length hair with a cute bang in front would be so cute…(although I would go a lil shorter even).
    If you're looking for a change, why not give it a try? Hair grows anyway hahahaha…

  11. Jess.Bee

    If your worried about cutting it short. What me and my friends like to do is go to the markets or a place that sells wigs and try it on :). We pretend were going to buy but really were just trying it on the see the length or hair colour haha.

    But i think it will suit you :).

  12. Unknown

    go for it hun! you never know, it might turn out cute ^^ you're such a gorgeous girl already so it shouldn't matter, anything would look great. after all, hair grows back 🙂

  13. Εvi

    my hair is similar to those of the girl on the first photo, it's a medium-to-long length with a fringe and it's so versatile to style it; i straighten it and they look long and sleek, I curl it and pin the ends inside the hair and it looks shorter and cute! you sould definitely try this length of hair!

  14. xSplendidStar

    Those hairstyles definitely look pretty on them 😀 I tried a short cut before, like an inverted bob. I regretted that from then on. It seriously did not suit me and I should have known that, I only did it coz my friend looked nice with it and I thought it would look nice on me too lol fail now I know not to repeat the same mistake ever again. My hair is not even as it's used to be anymore and I don't know why. It became so thin from when I cut it short *sigh* so depressing but tryna live with it. Sorry not tryna deprive you from getting a shorter hairstyle I just wanted to share my experience with you. But you're really pretty so many hairstyles would suit you ^_^


  15. Me

    I think you should go short! What are you talking about? You have a CUTE face yourself! =)

    And remember, hair is just hair. It'll grow back. But I definitely think you're so pretty, you'll ROCK that cute short hairstyle, girl

  16. Unknown

    Awh that hair style on (nozomi.?) was really cute, i have my frige similarly like that but my hair is longer, you can go for the shorter look, as it looks cute but if you dont like it its going to take a long time for it to grow out. 🙁
    so do you want to take that risk..?

  17. sammy

    to be completely honest, i don't think hair THAT short would suit you.. but then again – it's maybe because i have always loved longer hair..

    if you're willing to take risks, then go for it.. it'll eventually grow out again anyway :p

  18. hanidee

    I don't think Jessica suited that hairstyle much. It made her look 12. I think one of the first people in Korea that brought the bob back was Yoobin from WG, lol.

    I cut my hair exactly like Yoobin. It came out nice and when it grew out it looked like YEH, but now since its a little longer, it's in its "awkward" growing stage, haha.

    I like your current hair, since it frames your face nicely. Maybe go and try a wig that's similar to these hair styles and see if you like it?

  19. Christina

    It's a new year…why not trying something new and go short! As long as you are willing to style it everyday, I think you would rock it! Like @glitteryeyesxx says, it'll grow back! You'll make it work girl 😉

  20. Senita

    I like more edgy hair styles…but I think the curled bob cut looks good on those girls! I think short hair would look good on you! Try it…your hair always grows back anyway XP

  21. Catalina

    the majority is leaning towards the hairstyle!
    I am going to call my salon and set up a time tomorrow >_<) hehe…

    I have come to a conclusion that I am living in the day and age of hair extensions! If I want long hair, I could always use extensions :p Hang tight ladies, I'll come up with fresh style soon 😀

  22. Elizabeth Chang (Skyla Arts)

    I was definitely tempted to cut it that short…I chopped off at least 6 inches of hair June of 2009, and it was pretty short (for me!) and it looked "light" as the coloring of the red color (6-RV) was still there…but alas, I couldn't maintain the color, and I didn't use any fancy shampoos to maintain the color~ @__@ so now my hair is blah! As long as you can keep up the color! or else the 2 different colors is really a pain! good luck! i'm excited to see the look on you too~ 🙂

  23. Liana

    you will look gorgeous no matter what you do!

  24. dgfdg

    i think the hair styles aren't gonna last for too long, (like you said), sooOOoo i would say go for something different. =D

  25. Missy Hii

    Keep it long!!i personally dun like short hair..maybe medium layer?

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