Makeup Collections and some ways of navigation
I finally managed to film a makeup collection video.
Well, here’s the video and for those that have wandered on to my blog looking for information, welcome!! 🙂
I mostly bought the items throughout a very long period of time.
What happens is, I buy stuff, and I don’t immediately start to use it. I kind of leave it there for a while and when I start using it, I try to use it up as fast as I can. And while I’m using something up, if I like it I have to buy backups. Obviously, I don’t put that much makeup on (lately, that is), so the stuff that are building up are at a faster speed than disappearing.
And no, my boyfriend doesn’t buy me any makeup products.. If there is one person to blame for spoiling me, that is going to be my best friend in Korea. She has always pampered me with high end products and likes giving me things. She’s just a very giving person in general.
I haven't finished your vid, but I must say you're one of the more organized people out there. I really like your collection!
And, do you think you can do a shopping guide in NY? I might be going there with my cousin in Feb, and I'm planning to do some major hauling, lol.
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!
my goodness u've got heaps of stuff ahahahaahah… But I like looking into what people have in their entire makeup collection. I frankly don't have much and have stopped using too much makeup (super sad) but I hope to gather more in the future once my acne treatment is over and done with… I hope for better products to be sold in the future when I'm allowed to finally use makeup haahahahaha…
Elizabeth Chang (Skyla Arts)
that is very organized! 🙂 I need to find a new way to organize everything now that I've moved~ hehe
WOW Cat, I thought I was bad with having backups!! I'm surprised you aren't using makeup cases, I use them to store my stash, they keep dust away.
How are the shu uemura and bobbi brown mascaras? always wanna try them.
WOW! Jealouss XD I wish I had that much makeup….but then again if I did my parents would probably murder me…T_T My mom scolds me for the tiny amount of makeup I have already LOL.
And waaa so organized……I'd say even more so than me!!! And I'm super organized XD.
Woah! You have so many brands … big variety of everything..
I also need to find a way to organize it, I have everything in one bag XD
Wow I loved watching this. You are super organized! Nice collection 🙂 xx