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BlogTV + an intro to penguins

hey guys.. I’ve been in bed all day long and I don’t think I can do my regular blogtv today.

My immune system has miserably failed me.


Sorry guys!
* btw, my giveaway is still going on, if you haven’t entered please enter since there is still plenty of time. 🙂
* I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my penguins, so might as well address it here. I’ve been collecting my babies for an year and a half, and all of my penguins were bought at the American Museum of Natural History which is located on the upper west side of Central Park.
There are 4 sizes – The big ones that usually are sitting around in my background (21 inch)
the middle sized ones, the small ones and the ultra mini ones.

Prices vary from place to place. I think AMNH has the highest prices. The biggest ones are sold at 55.00 dollars, the medium ones at 20, small ones at 15, minis at 12. I’ve seen a couple of places online that sell the big ones around 45 dollars, so they are quite pricey to collect. The cheapest place you can get them – to my knowledge – is the Long beach Auqarium of the Pacific (in LA). They sell the big ones for 34.00 dollars.
Recently, FAO Schwarz (located on 5th Ave. next to the Apple Store in NYC) has started to carry the medium sized penguins.
The reason why I only collect these specific penguins is, they are the cutest and closest to the real-life details of baby emperor penguin chicks. Other companies either lack the cuteness, or are totally off at representing what the real babies look like. Also, they are all made from Indonesia (and I am hoping that they will stay that way), and are durable and cuddly. Each of the penguins have their own personality and every single one looks distinctively different from each other. And I am hoping that one day, when I have flashed Bethy Beth (the biggest one in the picture – she is my favorite one. She was the bumble bee in my latest halloween videos) enough, you guys will be able to recognize her face apart from the other penguins :p
Anyway, let me know if you guys spot these wildlife artists Inc. Emperor Penguin chicks. The museum has stopped carrying the biggest ones, and it would be nice to know how many places out there are selling these cute beings. Most likely places to spot these are at zoo stores or museum stores.
Here are some internet sites you guys can check out if you want to buy some penguins.
The penguin place (my fav. site!) http://www.penguin-place.com
The Stuffed Ark http://www.stuffedark.com
I’ve always been attached to my plush dolls. I had quite a large collection (including a bunny since I’ve always been with since I was two years old). I was traumatized when my mom got rid of them while I was in San Diego. I then started to collect Sea World animals (my baby seal was actually named CL!), but they got lost during transit too. So I started collecting Sony’s Doko Demo Issyo cat (Inoue Toro) and Kuro etc al., and now it’s the penguins :p I hope my penguins will stay with me for a long time hehe :p

12 thoughts on “BlogTV + an intro to penguins

  1. Blovet Beauty

    i'm all about carebears and elmo and cute stuff toys! ur penguins are adorable!!

  2. Sam

    hope you feel better soon~~~~
    drink lots of liquids and rest lots!

  3. QC

    omg it's so cute how you collect penguins~

    I personally love Eeyore… so I have a collection of him~

  4. Eva

    =( oh nooo! feel better!! love the penguins 🙂

  5. getnip

    too cute >.< the one with the pink shirt on.. are those the bottoms of her feet there?? didn't know penguins had pawprints like that –a

  6. Uinisan

    Hope you get better real soon…you probably just need heaps of rest for awhile… In terms of stuff toys I only have the 1 convict bear sitting on my bed, I don't mind receiving them 4 pressies but probably wouldn't go out and buy them myself ahahahahaa… There are penguins at the Melbourne Aquarium right now (Australia)… I might drop by there when I'm free and see what kinda penguins are sold there at the gift shop hahahaha

  7. Angela

    hey girl
    hope you can get better son.

    and the penguins are SOOOOOOOO cute. I love to collect stuff animals too but they are all kind of random…LOL


  8. Catalina

    aww thanks guys 😀 I should get better soon. I'm trying my best (which is basically staying warm and cuddling with my penguins :p). No, but seriously, thanks for all the concern 🙂

    And thanks for sharing what you guys collect >.< we should do show and tell soon LOL

    oh, and @getnip haha, the paw is my snow leopard's paw haha. he blended in with the blanket color :p penguins have squishy black feet XD

  9. Miss Shopcoholic

    soo cute!

  10. Evee

    the one in the black looks like it's leaning on the one in the pink 🙂
    HEHE too cute for words.
    take care and get better soon!

  11. Bijin Blair

    They are adorable!! I'm partial towards the bears from Forever Friends 🙂

  12. jessica

    ah! i KNEW i recognized your penguins- i work at FAO Schwarz haha and we sell them. 🙂

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