I’m SICK..
physically and mentally -_-..
I’ve been having these horrible tummy pains for a couple of days. It occurs right after I eat meals, so I think it’s either (a) I eat too fast.. I barely chew before I swallow.. (b) I slouch too much when I eat and that’s crushing my stomach or (c) my IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is back to haunt me down…
Ok, there’s a possible (d).
I’ve been exploring my belly button lately (I know, sounds yucky, but there’s a whole lot going on in there :p) and maybe that has something to do with my stomach pains. Anyway.. I literally can’t stand straight because of the pain :'( …
So what do I do???
I stay in bed all day long with my laptop on my chest and keep watching all these review videos, makeup collection videos, gadget otakus’ review videos, and shopping sites and wish I had as much money as Mike Bloomberg, or not even.. just wish that he was my god father and gave me lump sums of money for no reason.
I should really shred my card or do something about this.. I am literally mentally ill. I want so many things -_-.. and I can’t be irresponsible and get all of them.
and it’s not all makeup related. I drool over penguin related stuff, electronics, cameras that I don’t need, netbooks, books, notebooks (stationary stuff. I’m a huge stationary otaku), dolls, and bags.
Since I can’t get everything might as well share it with you guys so we can all drool over these stuff and share the pain :'(
YSL Fall 2009, 08 midnight palette.
I literally drooled over this palette when I last went to Sephora.
The price is reasonable, yet I’m very hesitant because I only like the pink color and have similar shades of the rest of the colors.. It would be really nice if they had the pink color as a single eyeshadow. I would have bought it at a heart beat
Laneige Fall 2009 – Designing Eyes palette.
I think they already discontinued this -_-;; I went to their site and couldn’t find it.
I’ve never been a fan of Laneige and really don’t get why there’s so much hype about the brand here in the states (it’s actually one of the more non-popular brands in Korea), but anyway.. I liked this palette solely based on it’s outside appearance. The case is uber awesome!!
Louis Vuitton F/W runway dress.
I know. please keep in mind that this is a wish list :'(
I saw this dress in last month’s W magazine and was sighing and drooling all over it.
I wish I had the money to buy the dress! it actually looks so much prettier without the bow
Givenchy Rouge Interdit Satin Lipstick in 11 – Rose Desire
Mad mad famous in Asia. It was like an everybody lipstick.
I tried to find it, and I don’t think they sell it at Sephora. :'(
Awww.. I really want it. It’s like the perfect pink lipstick.
Givenchy Rouge Interdit Shine Lipstick in 23 Poetique Camelia
I swatched it on my hand at Sephora and it was an amazing shine and pretty color!
Like all Givenchy lippies, this one glides on like butter and is doesn’t crease.
The only reason that’s stopping me from buying this is my fear of it not being as pretty as on the hand when applied on lips.
All banila co. eye palettes. They have seasonal limited edition palettes and I really want them all! I was going to ask my friend to send me some, but she already sent me a package, so I felt bad to ask her again :'(
I especially want the secret glam palette and the gossip girl palette! (cries)
the Dior phone.
I hate my apple iphone. Well, not the iphone itself, but I guess I hate at&t that tags along and ruins the whole experience with iphone.
I really want a dior phone. It’s so dreamy and pretty
Last but not least! A new P&P book~
I love pride and prejudice and my copy at home is wayyyyy too old. When I saw this book at Borders, I was so happy since it has all the elements I like in a book. First, the story is awesome (can’t live without Mr.Darcy!), second – the cover design is amazing and chic, third – the publishing company is “Penguin” classics (gotta love them for that), and fourth – the paper cutting is uneven. If you run your fingers up and down the side of the book you can feel the uneven bumpiness. I LOVE unevenly cut books! It gives me a strong nostalgic feeling and reminds me of the days that I spent in my school library flipping through books in the stacks. Some books were printed in the 1800s and was last checked out in the 1950s and the rough feeling of the book pages would just make me feel like I were in a different time dimension. I love that woozy feeling :p
Anyway, I didn’t get the book because I’m a cheapo and I’m waiting for Borders to have some discount thing so I can get it cheap :p But I am definitely getting it
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Did you guys read the article about the girl with 300 penguins in Texas?
I so want to be friends with her!! She should have given me all her penguins T-T I take good care of penguins..
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Alright, that’s all for now.
I should rest and try to make a video tomorrow
Good night ladies!
– Catalina –
You might to avoid eating onions, garlic, chives and capsicum then.
LOL how does one explore their belly button -___-
coincidentally my stomach was hurting this week and my mum made me drink ginger and honey water which actually tastes ok. try that?
and omg lusttttttttttt at the dior phone! mutual :'(
Aww I hope you get better soon!! <3 I freak out whenever something is off about my health, and I end up making myself go to the doctor.
Love your wish list! I think all girls make them on a regular basis. I think I shall do on too on my blog, and share the love!! haha
Blovet Beauty
i hope u get better… drink lots of water…. those palettes look so delicious! such vibrant colors!
aww girl! hope you feel better! yeah def avoid anything with acids such as orange juice or spicy food. that could make it act up more..
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, Hope you get better soon! Maybe it's the stomach flu?
Love all the things you posted, They are all so WOWmazing!
Jamilla Camel
Please see your gastroenteroloist (GI specialist).
I always found that drinking Psyllium seed powder really worked well. Personally, I stay away from dried fruits and caffiene.
Good luck!
Elizabeth Chang (Skyla Arts)
hey catalina~ I hope u feel better ~ perhaps it's a nasty stomach flu… but could it be a stomach ulcer from stress?~ if it persists maybe you should check it out~
i know what you mean about the stomach thing. i recently realized after lots of tummy aches and wanting to throw up after i ate that it was years of not actually chewing my food completely. it helps to say a little prayer before eating, practicing chewing slowly, and paying attention most of all. i love your blog by the way, we have lots of stuff in common even though i'm mexican. 🙂
Andee Layne
love these colors! stunning! great blog! Please check out my fashion and lifestyle blog please follow mine as I will yours! xo
Hi Cat,
hope you're feeling better!
I was wondering, in your first picture with the YSL midnight palette, underneath the eyeshadow brush, there's another brush…the one that looks like it has more of a slanted cut to it. what is that brush, what is used for and how do you use it?
you're blog and youtube vids help me a lot by the way! thanks for them! =)
Hey! I have IBS too, it's such a curse. But try not to worry too mcuh about the pains! Ginger tea and green tea help A LOT. I only drink green tea, but ginger is supposed to be really good for your digestive system. Tea tea tea!! =]
It's a while since you posted, but Givenchy Interdit is available at Sephora now.