hi tec-c crisis + some misc..
I’m starting to wonder why they don’t sell HI TEC-C pens in the states.
I’ve been lurking around the web to see if I could buy some colors (since the ones I brought from Korea last summer are rapidly disappearing…) and… well, no process..
I’ve asked my dad to send me some pens from Korea and got a nice reject.
He hates it when I start to fill my notes or planners with colors and get a big obsession with decorating the pages rather than keeping good notes..
I tried to contact my mom… but she’s always home and it’s dangerous to go out on her own (since she’s almost blind after her surgery) to buy some pens..
So, I got one from my roommate.. and I’m living on that for now..
If I go back to Korea this summer, I should buy a whole box set of HI TEC-C’s..
American pens.. well yeah, they’re good and almost never poop ink.. but the .4 HTCs are irresistible necessities in life. T_T)
– W E D N E S D A Y –
I’ve had a very very bad day on Wednesday.
I woke up late, went to my 9:10 class late, slipped in front of 150ish people, froze in the slipped position for about 5 seconds before a friend asked if i were okay (and I wasn’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!T_T).., the professor couldn’t hold back her laughter and was snorting while I rushed to an empty seat, left my notes at home for my 10:35 class, made stupid mistakes all over my Japanese quiz, Japanese class ended a lot later than usual.. so was late for work, my supervisor asked me to push my shift 30 minutes late if i were to be 5~10 minutes late everyday I work, I messed up the system, I slipped again, was eating during work and got caught by my other supervisor -_-;;, I deducted a $32.00 fee for my friend (half intentionally, half by mistakenly) which I’m never suppose to do, I somehow got a warning from my supervisor about how I worked, work ended late, ate a whole lot at home, didn’t get my homework finished.. and slept with makeup on.
So, yeah…… Wednesday was a hard day for me.
Jeez….. hope it never happens again.
水曜日の日本語のクラスはおそくおわりましたか?すみません…。When there’re a lot to cover, I tend to forget about time. But it’s not an excuse, so I’ll check the clock in the classroom and end the class on time!
BTW, it seems that you can purchase HI TEC-C pens here, if you don’t mind buying them online…
oh, no no don’t mind. It wasn’t the class that caused me problems =) I have to make a shift anyway.
Oh and jpens…….I’ve been there.. but it’s nearly 2 times the price they sell it in Korea(T_T)I’m so going to feel robbed if I buy one for 2.8 (I’m poking my dad again, hehe, if he says no, I guess I’ll have to go with jpens..) Arigatogojaimasu for the information =D
Yay~~ now all I need is the playcolor series lol
ミッドタウンのきのくにやへ、いきましたか。Maybe they have Japanese pens you want. でも、にほんのものは、アメリカでとーってもたかいですね…(T_T)
カタリーナさんはじめまして。TAのいなだです。hi-tech C penというのはどんなペンですか?みつかりましたか?きのくにやbookstoreや、asashiya bookstoreでうっていればいいですね〜。
Lidia Bardhi
とても おもしろい ブロゴを かきました。わたしは HI TEC-C penが ぜんぜnわかりません。すみません。 However,
I had no idea that you were a neuroscience and behavior major… That sounds とても cool ですね。i know one other person who is majoring in the same thing. Is is a popular major? かんこくへ よく いきますか?
hi tec-c pensha nan desuka. hawaiide hi tec-c pensga arimasenga, jellyroll pensga arimasu. in hawaii jellyrolls are very popular. are hi tec-c pens popular in korea?
Hey guys=)
Hi Tec C wa nihon no (Pilot pen)desu =D todemo kireina pendesu. Thin, clean, long lasting.. it’s a overall very nice pen. demo..asashiya bookstore wa dokoe arimasuka?
Hey Lidia =D
Uh, I kindda changed my major.. It was NS&B (Watashimo NS&B ga Cool..uh..thought the “name” was cool, hehe) ima, Political Science desu. Columbia is really pushing hard on NS&B (NY de ichibang funding desu)Soshite, kangkoku e amari ikanai..
Ashley =D
HI TEC Cwa nihonno suteki pendesu! Jellyrollmo yoome-desuga, HI TEC Cga sukoshi motto yoome-desu. I’ll show it to you in class. It’s really thin (good for decorating your notes..hehe)