BoA Inspied look
This is the year-end performance that I specifically referred to.
Below are some screen captures of the performance.
Oi, sorry. I’ll add more substance to this post tonight :'( Sorry, just wanted to upload the pictures for reference for now!
great!! love her.. I was waiting for your video.. 😉
oooh definitely an amazing look! I love glittery looks! Thanks for this video! <3
Thanks for the video 🙂 I love Boa and the look is pretty
Great tutorial, Catalina! You look so pretty! 🙂
I'm loving the earring that Boa has in her cartilage piercing, though. xD
▲dear elaine
I always love your tutorials!
I haven't followed up in Boa in so many years, she looks so different now! In any case the makeup is gorgeous from those clips!
Thanks for sharing this tutorial. I really like this glittery look. This look is so lovely and romantic at the same time.
So simple to do but nice and edgy! I love it, Catalina! You're awesome, girl! ^__^
Thank u for the video! Hope u can read korean cuz there is a popular drama called 신기생뎐. I love the starring actress(i dont know her name she is new). Its very natural yet very defiend in a kind of sexy way. I thought u r the perfect person to show how to do it!:)
I LOVE!! Your videos are the best inspiration!! 😀
I love this tutorial!
and I was wodnering about the first gold peach shadow that you used for eyelid and I saw it in information box saying The Style Shine Pearl Shadow GRB01 but I went to the missha's web site and there is GBR01 was it GBR01?
and it looks queit different than you video it looks more like GGL01 to me.. help me! T.T