December & Yearly (2012) Favs + Some skin stuff
Happy New Year!
2013 has officially kicked off and I still feel like I’m the only one living in 2012. It’s already been almost a week, but for the oddest reason, 2013 just doesn’t feel like it’s come to me.. yet!
Anywho, I have a new video talking about 4 things.
1. December 2012 empties.
2. December 2012 Favorites.
3. 2012 yearly favorites.
4. Skin improvement that happened in 2012.
I think I pretty much summed up my thoughts on all the makeup products.
As for the birth control pills, it’s been exactly a year since I started taking birth control pills (read more about my first month here). I’ve been struggling with painful (and huge!) breakouts for 2 years. It started sometime around June of 2010 and got progressively worse until early 2012. I was always a bit prone to acne prior to 2010, but not at such a massive scale. The major break out areas were from cheekbone down, concentrated on the jawline and under the jawline, down to the neck and all the way to my back. I don’t really think anything diet or exercise related caused the sudden outburst. At first, I speculated that it was stress related to work, but even after I quit work the acne wouldn’t subside. I tried a lot of things to stop the breakouts (tried to relieve stress, slept at regular hours, watched my sugar and carb intake, worked out regularly, washed my face properly, had my hair away from my face, tried anything and everything that would remotely prevent any further breakouts…) and nothing seemed to work.
In January of 2012, I moved to LA. One of the first things I did was get birth control pills prescribed so I could see if the acnes would calm down. After a couple of bumpy side-effects, it seemed to work. My acne was disappearing at a fast rate, thus leading to less scars since I didn’t have any acne to pick on.
Here are some before pictures of the breakouts.. They are all from previous posts. I’ve had some up and downs with the amount – but birth control pills dried the seed out of them and completely annihilated acne.
Wow, good luck with your acne and weight problems, I know it`s depressing to be fighting with all that.
I hope you hae a wonderful New Year 2013!! 😀
Emi ♡ 恵美
I has bad acne problems in the past, hope it gets better for you too ^^
If you haven't entered already, please check out my recent blog give away!!
Emi x
I would be interested if you could share your progress. I have been wanting to lose weight but exercise isn't my forte either haha. So I would love to know what things you do that helps your progress along.
Keep at it! Everything is a balance in life. If not acne, it is something else. UGH. But life is not meant to be perfect.
Oh I have a question… do you still wear colored lenses? Which ones do you recommend and the color? I have not seen someone do a review on colored lenses in a long time
Good luck with your weight loss and goals for 2013. Keep us updated on your struggles, worries, experiences! I really enjoy your honesty and your opinions on life.
Have you tried Nuvaring instead for birth control? it has the least amount of hormones = less side effects, easiest option out of all the birth control options, and it will still be effective in controlling your acne. you can switch over right away.
Nuvaring instead of birth control pills i mean.
I can relate to what you have been experiencing. I was on birth control for several years in my mid 20's to adjust my body's hormones and one of the physical side effects I noticed was weight gain. In 4 years I gained about 35-40 lbs. My diet and exercise regime did not change during this time; in fact I was actually exercising a little more. The only difference was, I was taking birth controls pills and of course getting older >_<. Even though I worked out more and ate less I could not seem to lose weight. I've been off of the pill for about a year now and 2 main things have occurred. I get awful cystic acne around my time of the month (the pill use to control this) and I've lost about 10 lbs. The weight loss came off gradually and again no change to diet and exercise regime. Generally, not being on the pill just makes me feel less bloated. Maybe the 10 lbs I lost was water weight…
I've asked a few OBGYNs about the weight gain and they all told me that the birth control doesn't cause it but from my own conclusion I definitely say it contributes to weight gain in some people. Hope this help provide some insight. Good luck Catalina!!
Hi Catalina, I also had hormone imbalance problem for the past 1 year. After I have done research on google, I decided to try TCM treatment (traditional Chinese medication) and it works! Everything clear completely in a month
I had the same problem like yours for the past 1 year. Acne all around my jaw line, my temple, my neck, they just getting more and more serious. My menses cycle also hay wired. After I done some research on google, I think this is all because hormone imbalance. I want to get rid of the problem completely, cure it to the root cause, I decided to try TCM (traditional Chinese medication) and it works! Everything cleared in less than a month.
I had the same problem when I first started BC and it was a constant struggle to lower my weight. I then changed to a different brand for reasons I've forgotten and the weight fluctuations have actually gotten a bit better! Granted, unlike my first BC where it completely eliminated my acne, this current one leaves me with a few blemishes. I consider it a trade-off though so maybe you can try switching brands??
I've had the same problems when I first started BC and it was a constant struggle to maintain my weight. I changed to a different brand a while ago for reasons I've forgotten and the weight fluctuations have actually gotten better! Granted, unlike the first BC where it completely eliminated my acne, this current one leaves me with a few blemishes. I consider it a trade-off though so maybe you can try switching brands??
On a positive note, this problem has lead me to be a lot more health conscious and I've been exercising a lot more. I would love to hear what you've been doing to reach your goals!
Do you think maybe you were too skinny in the beginning and some of the weight brought you to being "normal"? I can't imagine by looking at your face, shoulders and arms (the parts visible in your pics and videos) that you could really be heavy. I take bcontrol pills and it was the only thing that helped my skin. I initially gained 15 lbs but that probably coincided with other bad habits that I developed. I used to be a runner but have recently gotten into group exercises: piloxing, spin, body pump and spin. I find these classes keep you accountable and the group environment makes it fun. I'm concerned that maybe you might be a little hard on yourself about the weight but then again I can relate to not being truly happy with one's current weight/fitness.
Cutis Medical
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Cutis Medical
This is very much great and hope fully nice blog. Every body can easily found her need able information. I am visit first time but I fond many use full article. I will back again when get time.
skin tightening
Hello Catalina, I am wondering do you take birth control pills purely for acne treatment? I used to have extremely bad acne problem when I immigranted to Canada. The doctor said it was mainly because of stress and dry and cold weather here. It bothered me for about 3 years, so I totally understand your feeling. I did not specifically used any treatment during that time, and it did get better eventually. I personally do not recommend using birth controle pills, as it may cause hormonal imbalance. For example, weight gain. Trust me, the acne will get better. It just takes time. Healthy diet, regular work out, early bed time would definitely helpful. But most importantly, having a happy and peaceful mood. I hope your problems will be solved soon. Just let you know, you are beautiful as always.