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Frosty Pink Makeup Look

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I was looking at my makeup collection, wondering if I should sell some stuff I don’t really use, and noticed that I really like pinks/purples and have accumulated quite a lot of makeup based on those colors.  However, I’m always a bit hesitant of using pink on the eyes because of the strong misconception that pink eyesahdows will always make one’s eyes look irritated and puffy.
I personally love pink/red/rust colors on the eyes, but I too am a product of my reality and fear using those colors on the eyes in real life.

red eyeshadow… no?

So anyway, while I was thinking of experiencing around with my pinks, I figured that frost/metallic and blue based pinks wouldn’t look so bad on the lid.  And while I was at it – I was like “oh, what the heck”, might as well film! 🙂

Hope you guys enjoy the video and the new month!! 😀

Also, you can check out my post of the skin food shadow box here


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11 thoughts on “Frosty Pink Makeup Look

  1. Becky

    I love your videos! I learn so much from you, you explain eye makeup technique better than anyone!

  2. Sam Murakami

    I really liked your video! 😀 Although I would have liked more color on your lid! ^_^ I use a copper-red most days for my crease but one really should be careful with everything that has red in it! I used to exaggerate when I was like 14 and my mother thought I had an eye infection =.="

  3. Sakuranko

    I really like it this video tutorial!
    Really cute!

  4. Catalina

    oye, haha thank you 😀 makes all the editing pain so worth it! <3

  5. Unknown

    love, love, love your pic here!!! ^__^

  6. Unknown

    I was wondering what are the types of brushes you use in your frosty pink look video??

  7. Unknown

    I was wondering what are the types of brushes you use in you frosty pink video??

  8. Unknown

    Hi! Like your contacs here! What kind do you use?

  9. Yuna Soon (YunaPicsDelight)

    I love your vids!!!! And you look so adorable…all the time ^_^

  10. kaycee_l0ve

    Do you have a daytime face lotion that has sunscreen and isn't greasy? Maybe oil free? I have combo skin and the only light enough face lotion is the tea tree oil from the Body Shop, but I too sit in traffic for at least an hour to hour and half everyday and I'm noticing a lot more freckles!

  11. Unknown

    Hi! I dont know why you dont "accept" my comment. But can you tell where did you buy these lenses? Love them!

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