Beauty Haul Lips Catalina  

Haul – -It’s been a while

Hi all πŸ™‚

I FINALLY hauled yesterday! I haven’t been hauling at all for the past 5 months. A lot of rational (or irrational?) reasoning was behind my shopping ban.
1. I didn’t have time to shop, 2. I came to a realization that I don’t need a truck load of makeup, and 3. I should use up what I already have AND THEN resume on some normal/regular shopping (and not hoarding :p).

So, I tried really hard to keep my purchase list down to 5 items. Remember how I said my company had discounts at the company store (a Estee Lauder CCO that provides discounts to certain company’s employees)? I finally took advantage of that place,

My five picks were four lipsticks and one skin product.

I’ve heard a lot of raving about the night repair, so I will let you guys know how it goes (I took it out of the box yesterday and fell asleep while I was preparing photos for this post :p
stock photo: borrowed from Estee Lauder

Okay, now.. about the four lipsticks.
I’m still iffy about the Estee Lauder Michael Kors lipstick (starlet rose) and MAC’s lollipop loving. I had a lollipop loving, but I accidentally threw it away and this is my second time purchasing the notorious lipstick. Opinions are split straight down the middle. Some LOVE it, and some HATE it – which makes it so difficult for me to decide whether or not I should keep it. So I’m going to put it aside and if I decide not to keep it, I’m going to exchange it for another color. (Kindda same with the Michael Kors lipstick… I’m still undecided, so I don’t want to go ahead and swatch it and not be able to return it).
This basically boils down to two lipsticks left.
The first one is Pink Orchid. I remember this being a Pro color (not sure if it still is), but it’s a really bright (almost neon) fuchsia lipstick.
It’s an amplified creme lipstick, which is extremely pigmented. It contains pretty obvious blueish/purple hue to it (on the lipstick and when applied to the lips). It’s not drying at all, and it doesn’t come off easily, so for those that love hot pink lipsticks, I think this is a great choice.
I don’t have that much hot pink lipsticks, so I only whipped out one comparable: MAC’s girl about town.
When put side by side, you can definitely see the purple/blue tones that make Pink Orchid seem cooler and brighter. Girl about town is already bright to begin with, but Pink Orchid takes it to a whole nother level.

Here are some swatches on my lips. (bare lips – half applied – fully applied)

And since it’s difficult to see the whole picture by just staring at the lips – here’s my face shot with the lipstick on (ugh.. purple acne scars are adding harmony to the color :p)
Overall, I think it’s a great color for those that what to make a statement of “Hey! HERE I AM +_+ HUHAHAHAHA”.
If you’re shy, quiet and reserved – then forget about it :/ This lipstick screams for attention and it’s hard to get by without the color getting noticed.
The other color I got is MAC’s So Scarlet.
I’ve been looking for the perfect deep plummy red lipstick for the longest time. I think so scarlet comes in as the perfect deep red. It’s a pity that this was a limited edition! :/

It’s also an amplified creme lipstick, meaning it’s very pigmented.

Deep berry red is probably the most accurate way to describe the color.
Here are the swatches on my lipst (bare lips – half applied – fully applied)

Oh, so pretty!!
I think it would have looked so much better if I weren’t doing these swatches after work (all hellish looking :p), but I love love love this color!! I can literally picture so many great looks one can create with this lipstick.

dang those glasses :p!
But, I will swatch the other two if I decide to keep them. If I decide to exchange for other colors, I will swatch the exchanged one :p
Okay, that was about it with my small haul.
Hope you guys have a great weekend!

26 thoughts on “Haul – -It’s been a while

  1. Mindyβ™₯

    Oooh! We've missed you, Catalina!! <3 Those colors are sooo vibrant! I'm loving how bright they are!

  2. Unknown

    I actually really like the fuchsia color on you ^^ It's so bright and edgy~

  3. Unknown

    oh! the glasses + red lips + strict looking suit would make you look like a badass domina! HAHA
    Anyhow, I like the pick lippie!
    Will you show us the Kors lipstick too, please? =)

  4. Unknown

    THe MAC lipsticks you picked, Show Orchid and So Scarlet, are some of my favourites. I'm happy you picked them up! I have Lollipop Loving but I am not sure whether I do like it or not either. I'm keeping it anyway πŸ™‚ Keep yours! πŸ˜›

  5. Unknown

    I love love both MAC lipsticks that u bought! Great pick..I look forward to reading more posts from you and watching more videos..Thanks!


  6. Tina

    I'm so happy to see that you're skins clearing up! (from the looks of the pictures at least). πŸ˜€ Please keep posting!

  7. Quynh

    Looking forward for the Advanced Night Repair review πŸ™‚

  8. Huynh

    The lipsticks are so vivid πŸ™‚ So Scarlet looks gorgeous.

  9. chibi

    I love the So Scarlet on you.
    It's a very pretty red.

  10. Silkybow

    Nice haul and I love those lipsticks on you! πŸ™‚
    I think it's true when sometimes people don't need THAT much make up, so it's always better to save some money hehe

  11. Phoebe

    OMG the photography here is AMAZING! I love the photos of the tubes of lipstick, you can really see the fine glitter in it, Beautiful! xxxxxx

  12. Frances

    we've missed you!! πŸ™‚ the red looks… super sexy!! ;D

  13. Unknown

    We missed you so much!!! I hope your skin gets far more better than before… I personally miss your make-up tutorials… ='''(

  14. Anonymous

    Ooh, I loved Mac's So Scarlet! It looks absolutely gorgeous! Well, I do like red lipsticks, so anything in that area appeals to me.^^

  15. xiao

    Romantic pink is a tender pretty girl can best embody the links of london color; the stars also began to become followers of and romanticpink, aroused a sweet and romantic agitation. See below nine groups pink star.

  16. Anonymous

    It's been such a long time, glad ur back! Love the lipsticks!!!

  17. L.M.

    The photos are so helpful in your blog!!!
    visit my new blog and win 4 mini beauty products for your handbag!

  18. Rica

    hey catalina,

    i see that your skin has improved so much, what products did you use to clear it up? will you please tell me? thanks.


  19. dgfdg

    hello… love love ur videos… i was wondering if you could do an inspired look from angelababy… i'm not sure if you know her, but she has really subtle looks that really make a huge difference. πŸ™‚ thanks!!!

  20. A Shine Bunny

    I love the vanilla smell of MAC lipsticks! I think all the colors you picked up look flattering on you!

  21. yogurt!!!

    Hi Catalina

    I rarely post comments but I'm really so glad that you're back with a new post. Your youtube vids are just the best. Keep up the good work!

    I really dig the geek glasses w/ red lips look.

  22. diva

    I love that So Scarlet shade. Are there flecks of glitter in that too. Beautiful. You make me wanna have it since I love dark shades of red! πŸ˜€ Glad to see a haul on here Catalina. You look gorgeous as usual.

  23. Miss Shopcoholic

    So Scarlet looks so good on you! Now i regret selling mine =(

  24. eunjungcha

    they're so pretty!
    are you Korean by the way??!
    you're really pretty hehe

  25. Yeree Park

    That's a really beautiful red colour!!
    I can totally also imagine the many looks one can do with it.

  26. Blogging is the New Black

    girl about town looks better for darker skin tones >.< yay

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