Healthy Snacking :)
I was watching MTV’s I used to be fat and snacking on my usual snack – and suddenly wanted to share my snacking tips with you guys 🙂
I’ve always had a sweet tooth since I was a baby. I used to live off of cookies and candies before I started to take my diet and health seriously. I’ve been through a lot of diets, and the hardest part was cutting out snacks and sweets I so loved to stuff my face with.
I somehow accidentally came up with this recipe a while ago.
This snack is super healthy and super easy to make. (I don’t have a name for it :/ I guess it can be fruit yogurt smoothie?)
All you need is yogurt (nonfat!, if you get anything else, the sugary taste really ruins the whole taste).
I like to use Wallaby Organic nonfat creamy plain Australian style yogurt. Alone it tastes really yucky. I mean I’m extremely used to low sodium and bland food, but this yogurt is just blehhhh.. on its own. BUT, it’s the best base for this snack because it has a sour taste that accentuates the sweetness of the fruits.
If you use anything other than nonfat, it defeats the whole purpose of healthy snacking.
Next, you’ll need frozen fruit. (If you’re an organic nut like me, definitely go organic :D)
I usually buy whole foods or trader joe’s brand. The price is 3.00 – 5.00ish per bag, so it’s a pretty sweet deal.
Next all you have to do is mix the two!
(I usually pour 2/3 cup of yogurt and 2-3 huge spoonful of frozen fruit)
And you have your healthy snack!!!
I know it looks bland, but you have to try it – the fruit tastes really good 🙂 and since the fruit is frozen, it chills the blend and makes it taste like slurpee.
I’ve tried strawberries, rasberries, blueberries, mango and pineapples so far. I prefer blueberries.
If you feel like it’s too bland for you you can add a bit of honey or a couple of raisins to the mix – but I would really recommend just mixing the yogurt and frozen fruit. If you add too much sugary stuff, it will defeat the purpose of trying to stay healthy.
For those that don’t do grocery shopping, you can ask your mom (or whoever goes to the market) to buy you these ingredients since they are both healthy and inexpensive. I usually squeeze out 4 – 5 servings per container, but you can control the amount you want to eat. It’s very filling and better than a bag of chips.
Hope this helps!
PS. I am not affiliated with any of the brands featured. But half jokingly, I need some medal from Wallaby – I’ve bought a boat load of their products already and I think I deserve a VIP status LOL
=] I had fresh blueberries and yoghurt this morning. It's great topped with a bit of granola cereal too.
My favourite breakfast/snack is non-fat plain yogurt with walnuts pieces and a small drizzle of honey! I also use the yogurt for my face mask.
sounds good =D
i usually add frozen strawberries, raspberries, mango or peach
What about a snack for those that absolutely can not stand the taste of yogurt?
yum! Looks fantastic! I usually have Greek yogurt with some fruit (fresh in summer, frozen in winter) as a smoothie. non-fat and delicious!
Looks so good!! 🙂 I love yogurt. Best snack in the world!
Blovet Beauty
that looks super yummy!
Seems like a super healthy and yummy snack 🙂 I sometimes add some rolled oats with yoghurt snacks ^__^
I want to try this! Usually in the mornings I'll have a small cup of vanilla yogurt with cheerios sprinkled on top. It's like a ghetto version of a parfait LOL, but still yummy.
I'm eating this right now!! thank you so much ehehe. I'm not using the same yoghurt as you though, I'm using non fat yoghurt with acidophilus and bifidus c: Thank you soo much for this idea! The frozen blueberries taste so delicious with yoghurt!!
That kind of yogurt in Australia is called Greek Style hehe
that is definitely healthy snacking!! i used ot eat mine with granola but then i bought them already pre-made (with teh blueberries and granola) which is kinda expensive so imma start making mine at home 🙂
I will definitely try this! Cute watch! Where did you get it from?
I will definitely try this! Cute watch! Where did you get it from?