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Just a small thought

Hi, this is just one of those very shallow thoughts I have to write out. If you’re not interested, please skip this post. this is nothing beauty related. It’s just me rambling on and on.

** [ An Ideal world ] **
I don’t know when I started to think in such manner, but I have always had problems with my perception (or rather.. expectation) of the world, and what the reality actually is. Ok, to be fair, it’s not even the world, it is just humans. Throughout my school years, I was repeatedly told that my view of the world (or society, governmental structure or whatever system I had to articulate about) was way too ideal. I have had so much problems with “frictions” that are caused mostly by human errors I have come to a point where I have to think. I envision a world where human beings evolve to become a better being and move towards a more civilized and cultured society. The gap between my idealistic view and the reality is too big and sometimes when I get a reality check, I feel really disappointed in what the world is actually like. I know I sound really ambiguous and not getting straight at the point, but I really

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