last day of school and heart attack scare
So, officially it was the last day of classes of my college life today. I thought it would be awesome but it was like an ordinary day… with a little bit of drama sprinkled here and there. I woke up with this enormous chest pain. I actually woke up several times during the night due to the pain, but somehow managed to suck up the pain and continue sleeping.
While I was eating breakfast, I noticed that there was a shooting pain going up and down my right arm. Despite all this, I was reluctant to go see a doctor and headed straight to my Japanese class (which I kind of arrived late -_- thank god we didn’t have a quiz today). after my Japanese class, I figured I couldn’t hold in the pain anymore (on top of the chest pain and arm pain, I started to feel light headed and short of breath), I rushed to the school health service center for urgent care.
I mean, for a person like me who really hates going to see a doctor, going all the way to health services meant that I was dealing with some pretty serious pain. But I didn’t even get to see a MD, there was no EKG, and all I saw was an RN, and after pressuring my chest, she concluded that it was non-cardiac musculo-skeletal problem called fibromyositis.
anyway, that was the small drama of a heart attack scare today..
and because of the health center visit, I went in my German History class 20 minutes late. all of the back seats were filled, so I was forced to go near the front row.
so here’s a picture of my last last class in college, and I hope I won’t regret too much on my college years when I look back 🙂

now all that is left is the bloody finals, life-draining research papers, and a graduation to end this long journey 🙂